How To Make Your Voice Sound Deeper On Mic

Updated on March 14, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered how to make your voice sound deeper on mic, you might be surprised to hear that it’s much simpler than you thought. Your body may be compared to a musical instrument. When you get a new set of guitar strings, they will sound fantastic when they are properly tuned and placed on a guitar. The same may be said for your voice and physical appearance. In addition to having a particular sound due to the uniqueness of your body, you may also fine-tune it.

What are the Different Types of Voice?

More than one voice may be heard in any person. In order to sing or speak, they have at least one head voice and one lower-sounding chest voice. Both a singing and a speaking voice are possible for every one of us. The two might be worlds apart. Some people have trouble with their speech while others have no issue singing.

how to make your voice sound deeper on mic

Head Voice

To produce semi-high notes without strain or falsetto, the head voice is used. The sound vibrations are felt in the head area while employing the head voice for singing or speaking. When employing the upper register, the voice is higher and the singing is clearer than with the chest voice. Voice or sign language may be produced with ease when employing the head voice.

Chest Voice

Unlike the head voice, the chest voice has a lower range of notes. You might feel a vibration in your chest when speaking with your chest voice. As a last option, the chest voice can produce quieter and more mellow tones.

Mixed Voice

Both the head voice and the chest voice are often used by most people.

What Causes Voice To Sound Deep?

A common misconception is that an individual has a deeper voice due to the tone of their vocal cords. In fact, this isn’t the case at all. A person’s pitch and tone are controlled by their larynx, which is located around the thyroid cartilage in your throat.

The reason some individuals have a naturally deep voice is because of how they use their vocal cords and air in the throat. This is referred to as resonance, and it’s the most important element in producing a deep sound when speaking.

Human Anatomy

Air pressure, vibration, and resonance are the three systems that make up the human voice.

The diaphragm, ribs, abdominal muscles, chest muscles, and lungs make up the air pressure system.

The vocal cords and the voice box (also known as the larynx) make up the vibration system (also called vocal folds).

The vocal tract is made up of three parts: the pharynx, the oral cavity, and the nasal passages.

Age, Size, Body Type, Gender

Voice changes occur throughout puberty in adolescents. In boys, this transformation is more pronounced. As humans age, their voices may begin to deteriorate.

On the other hand, women do not have Adam’s apple on their necks as men do. The voices of men with higher levels of testosterone are richer than those of women with lower levels of testosterone.

While singing, a person’s body moves in unison. Height, weight, and body type all have an impact on the quality of one’s voice. Taller people often have longer vocal cords, resulting in a richer, more resonant tone.

Vocal Cords and Diapraghm

The pitch of one’s voice is determined by the thickness of one’s vocal cords. As a result, someone with bigger voice cords will generate a deeper sound.

The diaphragm is required for singing. A flat diaphragm allows for greater control of the oxygen flow that passes from the lungs to the vocal cords. For optimal voice performance, a healthy diaphragm-driven airstream is required.


Although no one knows how much genetics impact our voice, researchers feel that certain people have richer voices than others. An individual’s sex, voice cord anatomy, and larynx development are all dictated by their genes.

Hormones and Testosterone

Hormones produced by the thyroid bind to receptors in the larynx. These hormones play an important role in the development of the larynx and the development of a deep voice in some persons.

Testosterone is responsible for the thickening of the vocal cords. This thickness is responsible for the lower pitch of the voice. An adolescent’s voice begins to “crack” throughout puberty. This means that the pitch of his voice will change. While his body adjusts to the effects of testosterone, he may sound out of place when he speaks or sings.

Ways How to Make Your Voice Sound Deeper on Mic

how to make your voice sound deeper on mic

1. Vocal Techniques

Warming up your voice before singing or speaking is a prudent practice in general to minimize vocal injury, but it is especially critical for singers seeking to develop a richer, more powerful tone.

Consider some of the School of Rock’s warm-up exercises. Grunts and groans, as well as straw vocalizing, yawing, tongue trills, humming and lip buzzing, loosening the jaw, sighing, slides and sirens. Humming can aid in the development of a richer, more powerful voice, or working with a skilled vocal coach may assist you in lowering your voice.

Learning to pace your voice gives you more power over your delivery. Pacing gives you a chance to focus on your voice tone between words and gives you a chance to pause and think about what you are saying.

When you’re nervous, you may find it easier to speak louder. Take up meditation as a method of coping with anxiety and other stressful situations.

In order to achieve a deep voice, one uses the diaphragm. You can learn to accomplish this by practicing. “Belly speaking or singing” is what I call it. Reduce the volume of your voice by elevating the diaphragm support and letting go of your nasally speaking tone.

2. Choosing the Right Equipment

You will be dissatisfied with the recording procedure if you don’t invest in a microphone that makes your voice sound great when you record it.

The setting in which you want to use your microphone will influence the type of microphone you choose. A condenser microphone with a cardioid pickup pattern is ideal if you wish to record your voice, but there is a lot of background noise. Only what is screamed or sung directly in front of the microphone may be picked up by this microphone.

When it comes to setting up a home studio to record your voice, acoustic treatment and soundproofing are essential, as well as having the right equipment to capture the sounds. Analog to digital conversion, filtering, and equalization are all part of the processing.

To remove plosives, you can use a “pop filter”. A pulse of air hitting the microphone at rapid speed is what causes plosives. They are derived from uttering words beginning with “P” or “B” plus additional letters. Mic covers/windscreens can be used to minimize wind noise in windy conditions.

The proximity effect occurs when a microphone is placed in close proximity to a source of the sound. With your lips virtually touching the mic’s head, talk straight into the microphone. When a performer is so close to the microphone that sound waves collide, many microphones add bass to the recorded sound. It’s up to you whether or not this is a good thing.

Your vocal tone can be improved by using a microphone correctly. Directly into the microphone, speak or sing. Adjust the gain on the microphone if it has one until you get the best sounding voice. Be careful to modify the mic’s input signal before sending it to your computer or audio interface.

3. Stay Hydrated

The mic might pick up unpleasant mouth noises if you don’t drink enough water to keep your voice from cracking. This may assist you in maintaining a more resonant tone. Drink lots of water. The voice might also benefit from a cup of hot tea.

Avoid dairy items while preparing your voice for recording. Inducing phlegm collection in the throat and chest might affect the purity of your voice. Dairy products can do this.

4. Vocal Coaching

Working with a vocal coach is always beneficial for learning the ins and outs of voice-changing from an expert. Learning to regulate and modulate your voice can aid in the development of a deeper voice. Taking online vocal training classes is a terrific approach to improve your natural voice.

5. Software

Software that alters your voice to sound like that of a robot or alien is one type of speech-changing software. You may also use these methods to lower your voice’s pitch and therefore produce a deeper bass sound.

How to Develop a Deeper Voice: One Final Thought

If it is natural, having a nice sounding low voice is fantastic. Even if you were not born with this voice, you may have a great-sounding lower voice with the right training, microphone, software, and equipment. So go for it!