How To Make A DIY ASMR Dummy Head Microphone?

Updated on March 24, 2024

ASMR dummy head microphone is amazing. These sets can be used to record sounds from all around you, which creates an incredible sense for headphones listeners because they feel as if there’s nothing between them and what’s being said or played back in their ears. It would even seem like someone was talking right next to you! Listen to the sounds of life with binaural audio. You can experience ASMR triggers and more! But how to make a DIY ASMR dummy head microphone?

Binaural recordings are a type of recording that uses two microphones placed at different distances from your ears, creating an illusion where you think there’s sound coming from all directions around yourself as though it was really happening in front. Or even from behind depending on which earpiece is being used for each channel (this allows us greater flexibility when designing custom content). Lately, they’ve become chiefly relevant because of admiration among people who create videos using ASMR style trigger factors.

We all want to get the most out of our recordings, and one way is by utilizing binaural technology. The problem? You can’t just buy any old mic for this type of work; they’re extremely posh. So what if you build your own? It won’t be perfect but at least now when developing sound effects or prototypes there’ll always be some backing material on hand simply by using homemade equipment.

Preparing Your Workspace

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When you are ready to start your project, make sure that the workspace is clean and free from all distractions. Also, put down a drop cloth as this will help in preventing any unwanted messes during construction which can be hard enough without having dirt or other materials everywhere making it worse!

Firstly: if you’re not the adult then get one who does know how important safety might become at times like these; you should always enlist assistance when possible because there “are plenty more grown-ups than kids” working here after all.

Making the binaural mock head

We wanted the likely binaural effect, and we knew that realistic ears would be crucial. So instead of using a tiny or impractical pair for this build (including ones from amazon), it has silicone costume pieces made by an Etsy user with more elaborate designs than what was available in stores at first glance!

To create the perfect ear tube for your microphones, you need to hollow out and plan where each hole will go. You can’t just drill anywhere! Now follow these steps!

  1. The first step in this process is skewering two metal rods through holes that were made on either side of an empty head. It is to ensure there isn’t any intersection with other parts or else it won’t work properly when installing your mic later down line (you know what I mean).
  2. Once those are secure enough using glue/screws etc., thread one end through another while leaving them loose to get what you want – use a straight angle at which the diaphragms are pointing towards their respective silicone tips and they are held debauched by minor tension coming from the existing foam.
  3. To ensure the best possible fit for your microphones, clear out any errant bits of spume using a shovel bit. Make sure it is close in diameter to what you are using so they will not get stuck or lose suction during use!
  4. Vacuum away all debris before finishing up with computer duster.
  5. Once drilled guide holes across the front surface (ear canal), remove remaining pieces by vacuuming them up then dusting them off lightly

You should always make sure that the mic you plan on using will fit into your ear canal before getting started. To do this, put some plastic wrap around it so as not to damage any components and test out whether or not a sound comes through clearly enough!

Fixing the ears

ASMR visual

This is a crucial step in making sure it stays perfect.

  • First, you need to prepare its ears by drilling holes through them so that it can breathe easily!
  • Once this task has been completed with relative ease (you’ll be glad for those drills), clean up any unwanted bits using scalpel blades or sandpaper if necessary
  • When attaching these ears to your head, make sure you cut some off of that pesky silicone backing.

It may differ depending on which ones are used and how much surface area they have for sticking out straight ahead without any curves or angles in-between! Apply epoxy carefully over top. Make sure to do just one side at first so as not to damage anything if there’s too much force applied suddenly; then let sit until fully dried before doing another ear (or two). You can use rubber bands/strings etc., but I found holding still during these five minutes was helpful.

Final assembly

Once you have chosen your microphones, it’s now time to glide them inside the head. Before starting make certain that both pad or other HPF switches on each mic are in their normal positions and not flipped upside down like a coin; this will help protect any sensitive electronics inside from excess foam! We recommend using plastic wrap when working with mics because metal could potentially short circuit one of these critical components during production if left unattended enough - don’t forget about our safety tips below either

So you’ve got the perfect mic, but now your voice won’t come out. What went wrong? It’s most likely because of an improper fit! Make sure to put some rolled-up duct tape on either side inside of my ear canal so that when I connect it with xlr cable there’ll be more tension and force applied directly into where we want sound waves.

A good rule for checking if something sits tightly in its rightful place would be if any part can slide around freely without feeling too snug about every position—or else risk sacrificing quality due to lack. So, that was it on how to make an ASMR dummy head microphone. If you are interested to know more about ASMR check out!

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