Cheap Audio Interface - 8 Best Picks!
Updated on February 02, 2024

Are you looking for a cheap audio interface? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss 8 of the best options on the market today.
Audio interfaces are an essential piece of equipment for any musician or producer. They allow you to connect your instruments or microphones to your computer so that you can record and edit your music.
While there are many expensive audio interfaces available, there are also some great options that are affordable for budget-minded musicians. So without further ado, let’s get started!
1- Focusrite Scarlett Solo
The Focusrite Scarlett Solo is a cheap audio interface that’s been around for a few years now. It has one input and two outputs, and it works with both Macs and PCs.
The price range varies from $100 to $200 depending on where you buy it. This cheap audiophile-grade product will get the job done if your needs are modest enough not to warrant more expensive equipment!
2- Steinberg UR22C
The cheap audio interface by Steinberg is part of their UR series, which has been around for a while now. The price range varies from $100 to $200 depending on where you buy it.
Like Focusrite Scarlett Solo, This cheap audiophile-grade product will get the job done if your needs are modest enough not to warrant more expensive equipment!
3- Behringer U-Phoria UM202
The cheap audio interface by Behringer is a little newer than the other two options, and it’s also the cheapest on this list, with a price range of $30 to $50.
It has two inputs and two outputs, and it works with both Macs and PCs. This would be a great option for someone who is just starting out and doesn’t want to invest too much money into an audio interface.
4- PreSonus AudioBox iTwo
The cheap audio interface by PreSonus is one of the most popular options on the market, and it has a price range of $100 to $200. It also has two inputs and two outputs, and it works with both Macs and PCs.
This would be a great option for someone who is looking for something that is more reliable than the Behringer U-Phoria UM202.
5- Mackie Onyx Blackjack
The cheap audio interface by Mackie is a little more expensive than the options we’ve mentioned so far, with a price range of $200 to $300. It has two inputs and two outputs, and it works with both Macs and PCs.
It can be a great investment for someone who is looking for something that is more durable and high-quality than the other options on this list.
6- Apogee Jam
This cheap audio interface by Apogee has a price range of $300 to $400. It has one input and one output, and it only works with Macs.
This would be a great option for someone who is looking for something that is high-quality and specifically designed for use with Macs.
7- Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
The cheap audio interface by Focusrite is the most expensive option on this list, with a price range of $600 to $800. It has 18 inputs and 20 outputs, and it works with both Macs and PCs.
It can be a good investment for someone who is looking for something that is high-quality and versatile enough to be used in a professional recording studio.
8- Avid Eleven Rack
The cheap audio interface by Avid is the most expensive option on this list, with a price range of $1100 to $1400. It has 11 inputs and 12 outputs, and it only works with Macs.
This would be a great option for someone who is looking for something that is high-quality and specifically designed for use with Pro Tools software.
Buying Guide
When you’re looking to buy cheap audio interfaces, there are a few things that you should consider. One of the most important is whether or not it has enough inputs and outputs for your needs.
If you don’t need more than one input or output, then any cheap option will work just fine!
But if you plan on using multiple microphones at once (like when recording drums) then make sure that your cheap interface has enough inputs as well as other features such as phantom power and preamps built into its design before purchasing anything else from this list; otherwise, they wouldn’t really be cheap anymore.
Another thing worth considering is how much money you are willing to spend. There’s no point in getting something with all the bells and whistles if you can’t afford it, so make sure that cheap audio interfaces fall within your budget.
Finally, always research different brands and models before making a purchase in order to get the best possible deal. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of cheap audio interfaces for you- to help make your decision easier!
Benefits Of Buying Cheap Audio Interfaces
There are many benefits to cheap audio interfaces, including their affordability and ease of use.
They’re also great for beginners who don’t need all the bells-and-whistles that come with more expensive options like phantom power or preamps; however, these things can still be added later on down the road if you decide it’s worth investing in them at some point after purchasing your cheap interface (which will probably happen sooner than later!).
For those looking into cheap audio interfaces as well - we’ve compiled this list so that you can make a more informed decision when choosing your first cheap interface!
Cheap audio interfaces are a great option for budget-minded musicians who want to record high-quality music. The options on this list vary in terms of price range and features, so there is something for everyone.
So there you have it! These are eight of the best cheap audio interfaces available today. As you can see, there is something for everyone, regardless of your budget or needs. So don’t hesitate to check out these options and find the one that’s right for you!